Wall Writers is a feature-length documentary on graffiti in its early days, focusing on the legendary writers of 1967-1972. Narrated by John Waters, Wall Writers tells the story of a time when underprivileged city kids refused to keep lurking in the shadows, when the streets were so wild that fame and infamy became indistinguishable, when art became a democracy, and self-promotion became an art. The film uncovers the origins of wall writing in New York City and Philadelphia and features unprecedented access and exclusive interviews with graffiti legends such as TAKI 183, CORNBREAD, KOOL KLEPTO KIDD, PHIL T GREEK, GREG 69, and many others. Testimonies from journalists, historians, and politicians who witnessed the wall-writing revolution, along with interviews, are coupled with rare photographs and archival footage from the late 1960s and early 1970s, most of which have never been seen before. Roger Gastman produced and directed the film.